Recent News


**PLEASE READ ENTIRE MESSAGE, AS THERE ARE IMPORTANT CHANGES INCLUDED.** Dear Parents, We are delighted to welcome your child for a new school year and hope you had a wonderful summer. In order to create a smooth transition back into school, we want to communicate a few reminders: Carden Memorial Information Form and Immunizations: The Information Form was sent out with your Enrollment Agreement and must be completed and returned to the office before August 30. A copy of this form is attached to this email. If any of your student's information changes during the school year (change of address, medical, etc.), please contact the office so our records remain up to date.

Immunizations: New students, and all incoming Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten students, must submit up to date immunization records prior to attending school. All D Form (7th grade) students should have received additional immunizations and also need to submit updated records. Records may be faxed directly to our office at (801) 487-5076.

Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten Open House: This Open House is for Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten students and their parents on Tuesday, September 3, from 2 - 4 p.m. Please note that students will be given a Carden school bag and all necessary school supplies.

First Day of School: School begins Wednesday, September 4, at 8:30 a.m. Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten students may go directly to their classrooms. Lower Prep - Upper Prep (1st - 3rd grade) students will meet on the north lawn until they are brought into the building by their teachers. A Form - E Form (4th - 8th grade) students will meet in the auditorium.

Parent Back to School Night: Thursday, September 12, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Details for the school year will be discussed by the teachers from each grade. Sessions will be repeated to allow for families with students in multiple grades.

Pancake Breakfast: Our annual Pancake Breakfast for Carden families will be held on Saturday, September 21, from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Rounds: Our school day ends at 3:10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 2:10 p.m on Fridays. Students may be picked up on rounds in the west parking lot, the playground, or the church parking lot. The students will be led around the building twice in order for you to pick them up. Please keep your car turned off until all cars are ready to leave. LATE CARS WILL NO LONGER BE AN OPTION FOR PICKUP. Students not picked up after second rounds will go to Extended Care. A parent will then need to come in to pick up their student(s) from Extended Care.

Extended Care: Registration and fee information is available in the office if you would like to enroll your student in Extended Care. Morning Extended Care (7:30-8:15 a.m.) is located in room 16 with Mrs. Smith and afternoon Extended Care (3:30-5:30 p.m.) is held in room 23 with Mr. Alm. Please complete the registration prior to your student attending.

Lunch: Students bring their own lunch from home. The option to order lunch from Zao, Noodles & Co., or Little Caesars will begin the week of Sept. 9th. A separate email with details will be forthcoming.

Uniforms: Uniforms are to be purchased at Dennis Uniform. If you are unsure of the dress code, please visit our website or the Dennis Uniform website for a full listing. Please note the following uniform requirements:

  • Shoes for all boys are to be SOLID black or navy with a dark sole.
  • Dark belts and socks are to be worn by all boys. Magnetic belts work well for younger students.
  • Girls' skirts and jumpers are to be to the knee.
  • Shoes for girls are to be solid black or navy with dark soles. (Please no slip-on shoes for the younger girls since they can cause injury on the playground.)
  • No ankle booties or boots. In winter, snow boots are permitted for outdoors.
  • C Form - E Form PE clothing is plain black, grey, or navy knee length shorts with a plain black, navy, or grey t-shirt. Small logos are acceptable. This uniform must always be worn to PE.
  • A Form - B Form PE students will not need a PE uniform but are asked to bring athletic shoes appropriate for sports activities.
  • All students may wear the Carden sweatshirts (crew or quarter-zip) in the classroom on Monday - Wednesday. Formal uniform sweaters and blazers (optional for Monday - Wednesday) are required for Thursday and Friday. All other jackets and sweatshirts may be worn to recess, but not in the classroom.

Grooming: Students' hairstyles need to be conservative and reflect a well-groomed appearance in keeping with our traditional atmosphere. Boys' hair may be no longer than the top of the collar and trimmed above the eyebrows and ears. Designs cut into hair are not acceptable. Girls' hair is to be worn out of the face. Girls' hair accessories are to be conservative and match the uniform. Girls may wear a single pair of small earrings (nothing that dangles).

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices: Cell phones and other electronic devices (smart watches, tablets, etc.) are NOT to be used at school. If a student must bring one, we ask that it be turned off and kept in your child's backpack until he/she is picked up at the end of the day. Devices must not be in the student's possession at any time during the school day. If a student chooses to disregard this policy, the phone or electronic device will be taken to the office until a parent is able to retrieve it. If you need to send your student a message, please do so through the office. Students may use the office phone if a need arises. Arrangements for after school rides and activities should be made before the student arrives at school. Your support in this policy is greatly appreciated, as we are trying to keep students focused on learning and technologically safe.

It is our goal that your child will have a happy and rewarding experience this year. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions or concerns. You may also email the administration at

Warm regards,

The Carden Administration