The Carden Difference

What makes Carden Memorial School the right choice for your child? In a rapidly changing world, we believe some things should stay the same. At Carden, we believe in honoring and preserving childhood; we believe that who children are is as vital as what they know; and we believe success is possible for each child. We have over 50 years of experience in helping children pursue academic excellence and develop strong character in a joyful learning environment.

Carden is a non-denominational Christian private school in Salt Lake City, UT, educating children in junior kindergarten through 8th grade. Our small class size and calm environment allow our highly trained faculty to work with small groups around the teaching table, giving individualized reading, language arts and math lessons based on student needs. This eye-level interaction holds the students’ attention and allows the teacher to understand how each child learns. Our goal is for each child to take pride in doing his/her personal best, learn to master every subject, and become independent thinkers and contributing citizens.

Our unique phonetically-based reading program, developed by Mae Carden, helps students discover the joy of books early on. By reading aloud daily, children gain fluency and rhythm and become confident, capable readers. By learning from the best in classical literature and poetry, they learn important values and life-long lessons. In addition to our reading program and strong emphasis in math, our core curriculum also includes science, history, Latin, art, music and PE. Our students become confident and find enjoyment expressing themselves with writing, art, music, and drama.

Field trips enhance classroom learning in all grades, including a skiing and snowboarding program for 6th – 8th grade. Students in these grades also have the opportunity for summer trips including: day trips of hiking, cycling, and fishing; hiking throughout Utah’s three major geographical regions and learning about the unique natural history; and backpacking through Yellowstone National Park to observe grizzly bears, wolves, and bison and learn about the unique geographic features there. The culminating experience of 8th grade is the ten-day American History Tour where students visit historical sites, monuments, battle fields, and our nation’s capitol.

Mae Carden