Parent Reading

Recommended Reading for Carden Parents

Please enjoy these favorites recommended by our Carden administration and previously featured in our book fair or as summer reading for teachers.

Reading Magic by Mem Fox
Learn how reading aloud to your children will change their lives forever.  Literacy expert Mem Fox shares the incredible emotional and intellectual impact of reading aloud to children and how it improves their own ability to read. It includes guidance on choosing good books.

The Read Aloud Handbook  by Jim Trelease
Help children become avid readers through awakening their imaginations and improving their language skills. This classic offers proven techniques and strategies to help children choose good books and discover the pleasures of reading so they can become lifelong readers and learners. 

Ending the Homework Hassle by John Rosemund
Stop pulling your hair out!  Psychologist John Rosemund shows ways to help children learn to work on their own and take responsibility for getting homework done themselves.  

Mindset by Carol Dweck
Stanford University Psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D shares her research demonstrating how success in school, work, and life is influenced by a growth mindset—the belief that abilities can be developed.  

Grit  by Angela Duckworth
Talent is important, but the key to success lies in passion and perseverance, or grit.  MacArthur Fellow Angela Duckworth teaches you how to develop grit, cope with failure and maximize achievement. 

Kids Are Worth It by Barbara Coloroso
Help your child develop self-discipline by owning up to their mistakes, thinking through solutions, and correcting their misdeeds, while still leaving their dignity intact.  Full of practical suggestions.  

The Collapse of Parenting by Leonard Sax
Family physician and psychologist Leonard Sax writes that many of the challenges children have today can be traced to parents who have relinquished their authority and treat their children like adults. He advocates things like limiting screen time, family dinner, and teaching humility and perspective to help children thrive in our complex world.  

Boys Adrift  by Leonard Sax
Understand the five factors affecting the lack of motivation in boys and underachievement in young men and what to do about them.